Press Release – “Don’t Be That Guy”
May 2014
Envision Counselling and Support Centre launched a poster campaign in Estevan and Weyburn….Read More⇒
Campaign To Focus On Sexual Violence Reduction
Estevan Mercury
May 14, 2014
The Envision Counselling and Support Centre is taking aim at sexual violence and assault in the Estevan and Weyburn areas…Read More⇒
Envision Has Vision For Vital Services
Estevan Mercury
May 2014
Envision Counselling and Support Centre has a new leadership team following the recent retirement of long-term executive director Patt Lenover-Adams…Read More⇒
It’s Not Just A Matter Of Walking Away
Estevan Mercury
May 2014
More often than not, women who find themselves in a violent relationship and consider walking away risk losing significant elements of their lives…Read More⇒
Quota Club Donates to Envision
The Garden Park on 4th Street was a busy place on Thursday morning. Members of the Women Of Today, Quota International, Envision Counselling…Read More⇒
Envision Hosts Workshops
August 2014
Mini-workshops part programming. Envision Counselling and Support Centre is in service expansion mode. Not only is the support group in southeast Saskatchewan attempting to add a grief and loss component…Read More⇒
NFL Supports Fight Against Domestic Violence
Estevan Mercury
September 2014
Recent video of a prominent football player punching his fiancée in an elevator has moved beyond the sports pages to take over mainstream North American conversation. Ray Rice dragging his partner out of the elevator just moments after he knocked her to the ground offers stunning visual images of interpersonal violence and abuse…Read More⇒
Vigil to End Violence Against Women and Children Held In Estevan
Estevan Mercury
December 2014
Ending violence against women everyone’s responsibility. Working towards a mindset that is different from the one people may have as a result of a specific upbringing that perceives abuse as a common action, is the key to minimizing instances of intimate partner violence…Read More⇒